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о sissy проститутках
о sissy проститутках
При виде члена у девочек сразу встает. Только она замечает партнера, зашедшего в спальню, начинает набухать, а спустя 1-2 минуты уже твердая эрекция — это у 99% девушек в доме.
Тая — любит сосатьКрупный мальчик с грудью 3-го размера и большой круглой попой. Его часто берут ценители минета. Вылизывать вонючие яйца и мошонку — обычное дело для Таи. Сегодня к ней зашел клиент. Он опытный мужчина и берет ее на 2-3 часа, чтобы кончить примерно такое же количество раз. Сосать приходится по 20-30 минут, пытаясь вытянуть сперму, при этом трогая яички, чтобы они больше набухали и раздувались — наполнялись семенем.
Большие губы и рот Таи прекрасно подходят для этих целей. Ими создается вакуум с обилием слюны. Периодически папочка заставляет засовывать свой член в попку, а после вновь обсасывать. Девочка от подобного лишь сильнее заводится. У нее торчит хуй, но кончать не позволяет. У дяди устоявшиеся взгляды — основная задача женщины заключается в послушании. Чтобы делать ему хорошо. Она здесь для этого.
С Таей занимаются традиционным сексом — ее трахают в уже растянутую жопу, сосут ей сиськи, лезут в рот языком.
Маша — дочка на разносХуденькая и даже миниатюрная. Ей сделали большую грудь, выглядящую на таком хрупком теле надругательски. Словно говоря: «Вот эту надо насиловать, посмотрите, как с ней обращаются». Чем и занимаются любительницы молоденьких.
Машу берут на вечеринки. Как правило — это пьянки трех-пяти, обычно солидных, мужчин. Состоятельные папики при деньгах, осознающие себя хозяевами. Им нравится слабый и напуганный мальчик, пугающийся противоречить.
Сегодня одна из таких тусовок. Машеньку обязали нарядить в розовое платьице, выполненное в детском стиле. А всё мероприятие по сценарию обставлено, как домашние посиделки уважаемого человека, пригласившего друзей аналогичного статуса. Здесь, дочка хозяина ухаживает за гостями, а папочка говорит, чтобы не отказывала и демонстрировала себя с хорошей стороны:
— Дядя любит красивых девочек, налей ему выпить, подойдя, как модель, — произносит папочка, а мальчик боязливо выполняет.
«Посиди на коленках, послушай, что скажет Н.» С этими словами Маша идёт к толстому мужчине, тут же сующему пальцы под трусики. Папочка не обращает внимания, доверяя знакомому. Тот же лапает яички. Сжимает их. Дочурке стыдно, она боится показать стеснение — терпит так 15-20 минут. Радуется, когда отпустили.
«Милая, покажи, А. А., где у нас ванная» Когда дочка и знакомый отца уходят в другую комнату, гость начинает говорить, что девочка плохая. И если не хочет проблем дома, её следует наказать. С этими словами из-под юбки достается маленький писюньчик и отбивается легкими движениями линейки или ладошки. Иногда Маша должна пососать и проглотить всё до капли, как следует избаловавшейся.
«Поучись с дядей К.» С этими словами дочку уводят делать уроки в её же комнату. Перед столом располагается стул, на котором заботливо установлена анальная пробка. Достаточно размера, чтобы протянуть отверстие сильнее обычного. Если девочка не хочет «делать уроки», она усаживается силой. Это называют: «Привыкнуть сидеть спокойно».
Клиенты любят смотреть, как Машенька тужится — она знает, рано или поздно попа увеличится. И войдет внутрь. После сможет отправиться в кроватку, чтобы полежать с дядей. Здесь ей следует отвечать правильно на вопросы:
— Никому нельзя рассказывать, понятно? — говорит: «Да».
— Что надо произносить, если спросят, чем здесь занимались, — отвечает: «Делали уроки».
Далее открывается дневник, где обнаруживается неудовлетворительная оценка — девочка обвиняется в непослушании, ведь из-за плохой учебы могут узнать: «Чем мы здесь занимаемся». Она отправляется на воспитание. Дядя ведет в туалет, где в попку вставляется половой орган, из которого писает внутрь. Мальчик садится на унитаз с целью выкакать. Тут же ему объясняется — это для исправления.
Еще у Маши есть игровая комната, где ковыряют пальчиком и разными предметами в попке. Качели для игры в похищение. Да и в любимых игрушках обязательно лубрикант — девочка может выбирать, из какой её станут смазывать.
Кира — под осеменениеОдна из самых дорогих женщин. В нее разрешается кончать без презерватива, сколько угодно. Кира помешана на сексе и старается быстрее раздеться, оставаясь с мужчиной наедине. Любимое развлечение клиента — затыкание попки после оргазма в неё. Наши посетители знают, как семя влияет на тело и особенно психику мальчика — уже спустя пару лет жизни даже с одним парнем, такие теряют контроль, думая лишь о желании трахаться и возможности подставить смазанное отверстие под… От большего числа мужчин выходит шлюха — главное следить, чтобы не растянула свою дырку свыше необходимого.
Вчера Кира три часа лежала с заткнутым членом ртом и точно также наполненной попкой. Пока дядечки, взявшие её, менялись друг с другом. Перерывов не было, лишь неостанавливаемая закачка спермы, ее проглатывание и заталкивание глубже в задний проход.
2 pirms nedēļām
Pēdējā vizīte: 3 pirms dienām
манифест сиси
манифест сиси
2050 год. . . Сможешь ли ты поверить или хотя бы представить, что мир, который мы знали, больше не существует, а ты, проспавший летаргическим сном 25 лет внезапно проснулся. . . и все, что ты помнишь о прошлом — это то, что тема трансгендерности стала просачиваться в общество и стала как нечто модное, но все же не совсем нормальное и традиционное направление. И вот ты просыпаешься в 2050 году в стране, где совершенно другие нравы и порядки. Культ новых людей. . . а именно Sissy, White boy, Femboy, Transgender. Итак, начнем описания дивного нового sissy мира.Идеология сисси стала во главу угла. . . Стоило пронести ее сквозь несколько поколений и теперь в обществе привилегии имели те, кто был фембоями или имел какую либо связь с ними. Причем связь нужно было иметь сексуальную. Секс с фембоями стал основополагающим в новой реальности. Но все по порядку. Когда к власти пришли любители данной тематики, они стали пропагандировать феминизацию мужчин, причем это были не феминистки, а именно мужчины, любители данной темы. Общество незаметно стало принимать тот факт, что существуют действительно много парней, которым лучше быть девочками. Это обуславливалось их женским телосложением, маленькими органами и миловидными личиками. Конечно, мода на них пошла со сферы культуры, моды. Все больше моделей были андрогины, но со временем их стали вытеснять трапы, которые принимали женские гормоны, от чего тело было женственнее и появлялась грудь. Набирали популярность и группы, где солисты были те же феминизированные парни. Пробивались быстрее всего в шоубизнес именно те, кто решался пойти на кардинальные изменения в своей жизни. По центральному телевидению приглашали на разные передачи милых феминизированных парней, которые рассказывали, как стать лучшими любовницами для мужчин. Все социальные сети пестрили фотографиями, рилсами и клипами фембоев, трапов и трансгендеров. В течении 25 лет культивировалось какими могут быть парни и что, выбрав путь феминизации можно достичь намного большего для личного благополучия. Да, казалось бы, невозможно заставить быть тем, кем тебе не хочется в сексе, но правительство давало огромные возможности тем, кто становился и заявлял о себе как о девочке. Выделялись квоты на получение бесплатного образования, предлагали различные должности, снижали налоги, выплачивали огромную сумму по безработице только «девочкам». Таким образом многие гетеросексуальные парни с юного возраста стремились трансформироваться, потому что выживать становилось все труднее и труднее. И вот сквозь десятилетия случилось то, что случилось. Права «девочек» стали на столько перевешивать права истинных девочек, что общество стало разделяться на классы. Но как же мужчины. . . ведь не так много таких, кого бы привлекали странные девочки. . . Но возможность и степень феминизации давало о себе знать. Все больше обычных мужчин хотели секса с сисси и фембоями. Ведь транслировали такие преимущества, что с «девочками» можно было без последствий заниматься сексом. А так за секс с «девочками» поощряли, то многие мужчины специально «голодали», чтобы спустя несколько месяцев их возбуждали почти идеальные женские тела фембоеми не смущало то, что у них между ног. Правительство со своими извращенными подходами шли на самые немыслимые поступки. Избранный верховный строил новый мир. Конечно, социум должен был как-то существовать. . . для этого он сохранил базовый доход для обычных людей с традиционным выбором отношений. Но как правило это был обслуживающий персонал. И общество конкретно разделилось на касты. Были те, кто был «девочками» с теми, кто их любил и те, кто не принимали новую реальность. И вот сейчас в 2025 году картина была следующая. . . Новый мир был полностью компьютеризованным и цифровым. Велся строгий учет всех и всего.Обычные семьи, которые занимались продолжительностью рода при рождении дочерей не имели никаких возможностей дать им хорошее образование и карьеру. Единственный способ выйти из бедности — это сделать из сына ту самую «девочку». И когда в семьях рождались мальчики, то ждали, когда им исполнится ХVI лет, чтобы сделать выбор. Но так как за 20 лет пропаганда привела к тому, что каждый десятый хотел стать «девочкой», но не у в всех были предрасположенности к этому, то новое министерство феминизации принимало решения само, основываясь на том, какой рост, вес, ширина плеч и бедер, узость талии, миловидность лица, и длина полового члена, конечно же с перспективой потенциальной феминизации с помощью гормонов. И те, кто проходил отбор — получали рейтинг «начинающей девочки», а те, кто не прошел, оставались жить в семьях или строить отношения с «девочками». На законодательном уровне истинным девушкам разрешалось носить только черные длинные платья, никакой косметики, никакого ухода, не возможно даже было купить ничего для ухода за собой, а «девочкам» наоборот запрещалось носить длинные платья. Только мини юбки, только мини шорты, где видны ягодицы, полупрозрачные и прозрачные наряды, косметика, уход за телом. . . в общем все то, что привлекало бы мужчин и помогало хотеть их. В клубы ночные и светские тусовки могли ходить только «девочки». Возвращаясь к «начинающим девочкам». Им нужно было принимать новые усовершенственные гормоны, обучения женским манерам, хотя большинство и так уже знали, как себя вести, изучив в медиа опыт предшествующих поколений. Самым важным было начинать носить пояс верности и не у каждого получалось это делать долго. Вообще в новом мире были рейтинги, которые поднимали тебя по статусу. За каждую неделю, проведенную в поясе верности начислялись бонусы. Самый высокий рейтинг и привилегированным считался тот, кто носил, не снимая пояс целый год. И это все автоматичеки подсчитывалось, так как пояса были электронные.Так вот, старшие классы были сформированы только из «девочек» и парней. И когда на выпускные была приезжала родня «девочек» и им разрешалось приводить с собой их сестер, то самое больное для них было видеть невероятные бальные платья. . . в которых были их. . . по сути братья. . . но только куда более женственные, ухоженные и сексуальные. . . А отцам, которые не принимали новую реальность было больно смотреть на то, что их сын. . . да, сын, для них онбыл сын, хоть уже и слабо узнаваем, их сын в женском и имея уже женскую грудь обнимался с парнями на балу, а то и видел как в коридоре целуется. . . Преподавателями вместо женщин были так же взрослые трансгендеры, у которых уже были семьи. К 18 годам «начинающие девочки» получали новы рейтинг «клитор (член) общества». Кстати были такие семьи, где мальчиков готовили с малых лет к тому, что они будут «девочками», только им рассказывали, что они особенные, и что самое главное в их теле — это анус, которое является лоном для будущих мужчин в первую очередь, и для туалета по большому во-вторых. А то, что спереди у них, это орган для туалета по маленькому и орган для здоровья, в будущем который придется закрывать.Новый рейтинг открывал новые горизонты. Новоиспеченный «клитор общества» мог переезжать в город, где были совершенно иные правила и приходилось привыкать к новой жизни. В городе секс был самой важной составляющей жизни. И секс разрешался абсолютно везде. Городским законом у «девочек» в возрасте от 18 до 40 лет минимум раз в неделю должен был быть секс с новым мужчиной, таже самая задача стояла и у мужчин. Это обеспечивало прожиточный минимум. И поэтому многие обычные мужчины даже при семейных отношениях с женщиной соглашались на секс с «девочкой» чтоб заработать на жизнь, если с работой туго. Но а для «девочек» и их любителей это был минимум. Чем больше было секса, тем выше рос рейтинг и финансовое состояние. Правительство ради разнообразия разработало некую игру-челлендж, смысл которой был в том, что на телефон мужчин-альфа приходило сообщение, что если он, где бы о нибыл не займется сексом с «девочкой», то его состояние сократится в двое, а «девочкам» будет штраф, если они откажутся! Именно поэтому можно было наблюдать дикую картину, еще лет 20 назад, что в момент прихода сообщения, а оно могло прийти кому угодно, даже водителю автобуса или преподавателю в вузе, как внезапно для окружающий вдруг мужчина подходил к «девочке», а их можно было выделить из толпы, так как они были самые красивые и ухоженные, снимал с нее юбку или задирал платье, снимал трусики, откуда всем на обозрение было видно «клиторок» в поясе верности и надев презерватив и смахав смазкой вставлял свой член в уже разработанную дырочку, а точнее лоно для мужчины. И это могло происходить где угодно. . . в автобусе, стоя, пока едет автобус или самому водителю пришла смс, и он остановив на аварийке автобус выходил в салон и трахал «девочку» ту, которая ему понравилась. . . и окружающие не могли никак возмущаться, потому что у «девочек» были привилегии данные законом. Вы только представьте, секс мог быть на остановке, в ресторане, и даже если фембой девочка была на свидании со своим парнем, то мужчина, который получил смс имел полное право заняться сексом на глазах не только у посетителей, но и на глазах усвоего парня или мужа. . . секс мог быть в бассейне, мужчине только нужно было сказать вайтику о том, что смс, и они выходили не бортик и трахались. . . иногда не оказывалось презервативов и приходилось пользоваться без них и с помощью слюней. . . и по правилам заканчивать нужно было либо внутрь «девочки» либо в презерватив, который потом должна был опустошить сисси девочка. На лекции в институте могли заниматься сексом всем кому пришло сообщение, и урок нельзя было прерывать. Лавочки в метро как на перроне так и в вагоне были периодически заняты занимающимися сексом парами. . . при просмотре балета так же. . . женские роли играли только фемки. . . и мужчинам танцорам, если приходила смс, то нужно было на сцене сношаться. . . спектакль шел как положено. Так же в зале происходило то же самое. . . в двухтысячном зале одновременно могли получить смс от 20-40 мужчин и поверьте на всех на них находились фембои. Звуки музыки перекликались со стонами милых неженок сисси. . . секс был повсюду. . . сперма была повсюду. . . которая успела вытечь из киски милых «девочек». Так же важно было делать отчет в соц сети фото или видео самого секса прямо с места. Без этого не засчитывался половой акт и бонусы не приходили. Так же существовали ночные клубы, которые в народе стали называть «банками» потому, что за вечер/ночь «девочки» могли хорошо заработать, приняв в свое лоно десятки мужских членов. Так же правительство раз в месяц проводило «день солидарности сисси» — это когда «девочкам» в принудительном порядке разрешали весь день ходить на каблуках полностью голыми по проспектам, в общественном транспорте, кафе и т. п. только в поясе верности, чтоб показывать всем окружающим свои совершенные тела, невероятные груди, попы, ноги и бедра. . . и их разрешалось трогать за любые места и конечно же трахать. За 2 дня до этого «девочки» почти ничего не ели. Этот день был так же предназначен для совращения новых мужчин, которые не относили себя к любителям таких «девочек». И в конце первой части я вам скажу, что за 25 лет пропаганды и новых законов, в городе каждый десятый парень были вайтиками, сиссибоями, трапами, фембоями. И на радость правительству тех, кого отбирали в XVI лет из 100 человек теперь подходили по параметрам стать «девочками» аж 70. . . это означало, что скоро «девочек» в городе будет еще больше. . . соответственно им придется больше соблазнять гетеро мужчин.
1 pirms mēneša
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One more Sissy story <3 pt2
Having left a bag with things in the hotel room, he ordered to wait, saying only that he would return in an hour and would not spare his slut.This excites and mobilizes me instantly... enema, shower, lightly put on makeup, do my hair. Now get dressed... In the bag there was a hard, waist-cinching corset, making my breasts and hips accessible, leather wristbands with carabiners so that they could be fastened together, ankle cuffs with carabiners, a collar with a leash and shoes with very high heels.When he opened the door, I had already been kneeling for almost twenty minutes and waiting for him at the door.He entered, smelled of smoke, only glanced at me and gave me a rather strong, but somehow gentle slap instead of a greeting. He jerked his coat off and threw it on the floor. With a tremor in my body, I thought that I could expect anything from him now. Afraid to look into his eyes, I obediently waited for instructions and excitement was already rising in me like a wave.He was clearly irritated and dissatisfied with something, he clasped the carabiners on his wristbands behind my back, and lifted my face by the chin:— Well, slut? Are you ready?— Yes, sir!— No! Not ready! Yet...
He took a mouth expander out of his bag and fastened it on my head. He had never done this to me before, but I really liked it. He roughly patted my nipples, which had immediately become hard:— And... Some decoration...“What? Right away?” I shouted mentally, and he was already attaching clamps to my nipples and adjusting the pressure, he attached the chains from the clamps to the collar. The pain from the clamps instantly pierced my entire body and gave off a pleasant warmth in my lower abdomen. My legs were fixed with carabiners on the leg cuffs.— Excellent! Now let's continue! — with these words, he grabbed me by the hair and dragged me into the bathroom so that I could not even help myself with my legs, pushing off the floor. He jerked me to my knees in the shower:— Open your mouth and look me in the eyes, whore!With these words he took off his pants and pulled his slightly raised cock out of his underwear. A second later I felt a hot stream first hit my eyes and then straight into my mouth. He ordered me to swallow, but there was too much of it and some of it just flowed down my face onto my chest. I was weak and helpless in the hands of my Master and this thought excited me, despite such discomfort. Having finished, he grabbed me by the hair, bent down to my face and with the words. what an obedient slut I am, I received a few more spits and slaps. Then he straightened up and right in front of my face was his already tense cock. My helplessness and obedience excited him and he began to fuck my open and fixed mouth. With one hand he held my hair, and with the other he periodically slapped me when he took his cock out of my throat. His movements became more and more furious, the cock moved into my throat as far as possible. Periodically he lingered in my throat, blocking my breathing, it gave him extreme pleasure, and it seemed to me that I would faint from lack of air... Finally, he put his cock on my tongue and shot sperm into my mouth. Then he freed me from the mouth retainer and ordered me to lick his penis. I carried out the order with special diligence. Pleased with such diligence, he freed my arms and legs, removed the clamps from my nipples and ordered me to tidy myself up.
When I got ready for the next stage of submission and moved on my knees, came to him with a submissive look, he was sitting on the bed in the room, examining the devices in the bag.- Get ready for a spanking, slut!I lay down on my stomach on the bed, he secured the leash from my collar on the other side of the bed, and my hands were tied there too. My legs were spread shoulder-width apart and fixed with a special stick-spacer. Quite satisfied with such immobility, he ran his fingers into my ass:- Yes, you are all wet!And he let me lick these fingers, which were in my lubricant.First, he used a multi-tailed whip. He began to spank from the legs, rising higher and higher with each blow. During the spanking, I only moaned dully, trying to restrain myself, because the pain was still quite bearable. This infuriated him, he doubled the force of the blow and the blow to the buttocks was so strong that I squealed and jerked my ass. Then he took the belt and the spanking continued only on the buttocks and lower back not covered by the corset. When the belt lay on its edge, cutting the skin, I screamed. Tears ran down my face."Well, now for dessert!" he said, putting the belt aside, and waved an anal masturbator with five balls on a hard handle in front of my face. At this point I already regretted that I was so exposed to him and could not even move my legs to protect my ass. Having let me lick it first, he generously lubricated it and inserted the toy into my ass:— "Count how many balls are in your hole!" he ordered and began to insert and remove the instrument of sweet torture in my ass.— One, two, three — aaa — two, one! Ouch! two, three, four! aaa!! three! four, five! AAA!! four, three! mmm! four, five! OoohhHe was amused by this game and my efforts. Having driven all five balls into me, he stopped. I was breathing heavily, the lubricant, my own juice, was already flowing down my legs and I was begging: More!!! Please MORE, Master!!!
He freed his cock from his pants, jerked it off with his hand, although it was already quite hard. I waited, holding my breath. He jerked the toy out of my ass, but gently enough so as not to damage the mucous membrane, admired the hole that did not close right away, and inserted his cock. He inserted it slowly, to enjoy the sensation and give me a break.I just shook my head and moaned. With each push, the cock went deeper and tighter. The last push, he went in all the way. He slowly pulled his cock out almost entirely and plunged it in again. Each time, the movements became faster and faster, he squeezed my nipples with his hands. I moaned, screamed, and these sounds excited him even more. A spasm of orgasm brought my hips together and I, screaming long and hard, froze.Almost immediately after me, he also had an orgasm... He pulled out of my ass and came heavily on my ass. Having ordered me to collect all his sperm in my mouth and lick the floor, he sat down on the chair and after I did everything as he said, he gestured for me to sit down near his feet - this means that the session is over. He pulled me towards him by the leash, slapped me on my tear-stained face and looked into my happy eyes with a satisfied look:— Good slut. Next time it will be harder!
1 pirms mēneša
Whorny Sissy, 26
Pēdējā vizīte: 1 pirms dienas -
One more Sissy story <3 pt1
In addition to external preparations, beautiful clothes, hair, underwear, internal preparations are also mandatory, I must be ready to fulfill any desires at the first request, and the first of them is to give myself with my ass, and since I am very clean, my ass must be perfectly ready. But I will not lubricate my ass yet, I'll better take the lubricant with me, especially since I know you will take me more than once or twice. I pack my tiny penis in chastity, this makes it look more like a clit, and also the lock will not allow it to get up while I give myself. And for me this is important, because I am a sissy.I leave the house and head to the meeting. We plan to walk a little, and then go to the hotel room. I imagine how at the reception he will ask for a room for several hours, why do they take such rooms? The administrator knows this very well, I will catch his appraising glance at me, a glance at a sissy who will soon be properly fucked. I will answer him with a happy and lustful glance, and in a few hours I will add great satisfaction to this same glance, my mouth will still keep the taste of my man's sperm. But for now I am confidently moving through the crowd to meet...He was standing near the parking lot, smoking. What is he like? There is no point in describing. What attracts a sissy to a male? That he is ready to take her at any moment. His gaze began to undress me already on the approach. I am only a source of pleasure. My position is the one in which it is more pleasant and convenient for him to take me, wherever we are. It may be difficult and hard for me in it, but as long as he moves inside me and gets pleasure from it - I will endure and wave to him, praying that it does not stop.
Faster, faster. These are the thoughts that flash through my head, I want to go to a hotel, my imagination draws poses, pain, moans, pleasure... But he said he wanted to walk a little, as it turned out later, he had prepared a gift, a small advance for what would happen later.We go into a wc room in a shopping center. He sits me down on the toilet seat, and he stands next to me and I feel absolutely defenseless. I have to do everything myself, I know what to do. I want this, I thirst for it, and he watches me with a slight grin. I unzip, lower the elastic of his panties and take out his very beautiful cock. I hold it in my hand, slightly kneading and making light movements with a ring of my fingers, then I bring my lips to it, kiss the head, run my tongue over it, open my lips and take it all into my mouth. I begin to suck vigorously. My mouth belongs to him.Sometimes he stopped me, asked me to open my mouth, spat and then stuck his cock in me again. I am all his. My movements are for him. The intuition of an excited sissy itself tells them. Very quickly his cock hardens and becomes quite large. I am a little scared. What if they see us? But this fear excites me even more, to such a height that I can no longer stand it...- Fuck me, please, fuck me.
I take a jar of lube out of my bag. Continuing to work on his cock, I take some lube on my index and middle fingers. I slip my hand under my pants and, moving a thin strip of panties, lubricate my hole. A slight chill runs through it, making me shrink a little in fear. Having lightly lubricated and relaxed my ass, I plunge my fingers inside and lubricate the walls from the inside. He takes my head and begins to fuck me hard in the mouth, at the same time I continue to work on my hole, I need to prepare it very well.I am grateful that he gives me this opportunity, and does not take it right away, although if he had simply turned me around, pulled down my panties and entered sharply, I would have been grateful and happy, but it would have hurt. Already three fingers are working inside, preparing me for him, it gives the feeling that I am being fucked in both my holes at once, in my mouth and ass. This turns me on even more...We switch places, he sits down, and I stand with my back to him. Taking off my pants and lowering my panties to the floor, I lean forward, spreading my buttocks as much as possible with my hands to give him the opportunity to enjoy the view of my ass. How nice it is to feel this gaze, to feel that I am naked in front of a man, that he can do with me whatever he wants. Almost immediately, he penetrates with his finger, as if checking how ready I am. Then a second finger joins in, then a third. He confidently examines me inside, further enlarging my hole for his cock. Then he lightly slaps my ass. My move...
With my legs wide apart, I begin to slowly sit down. I am lucky, this is the most comfortable position for me in this situation. If we were in the bedroom, I would lie on my back, spreading my legs as much as possible and tucking them in to make it easier for him to access my hole and for me to take him inside as easily as possible. By the way, this position, on my back, with my knees pressed to me, which are spread as much as possible, I consider the most depraved. Then I am all his, all open. I just lie and wait for him to take me, closing my eyes and holding my breath. I am his girl, his whore.But here, in this position, standing above him, I can at least regulate the pace of his penetration into me, starting from the very first, the most difficult, when I will need to completely immerse myself on his penis, to feel that I have accepted him completely. And so I go lower and lower, I feel how his head touched my hole.I try to push a little, relaxing the muscles of my hole as much as possible. I breathe heavily both from the tension and from the excitement of what is to come. Now the head begins to slowly penetrate inside. Even its presence inside me already causes pleasure. But the anticipation of its large size inside, that in a couple of minutes it will take me, fill me with itself, and I will frantically jump on it, not remembering myself, going crazy, drowning in pain, humiliation and the greatest pleasure in my life, it turns me on so much, madly. I move further, trying to relax more and more.
Sometimes my muscles tense up and grip him. Then I see a wave of pleasure roll over him. He wants more and faster, as fast as possible. And here it is, a wonderful moment, I feel my hips touch him, my hand lies on his balls, plays with them a little, he is all inside me. He gives me time to get used to the sensation, and most importantly - to relax in them as much as possible. I am wildly turned on, but I am patient, I need to give my hole a second to get used to his size.Lubricant oozes from my clitty, the chastity does not allow him to get out, and this turns me on even more. I am just a sissy who gives herself up with her holes, he is my man, and I am his sissy girl, my clit it is not supposed to stand. Moreover, I, like any girl, should get pleasure from my hole and learn to cum from my mans cock, and not from my hands.I start moving. Continuing to relax my ass, I slowly rise up, feel that only the head remains inside me and then slide down again, immersing him completely inside me. Gradually, I begin to increase the rhythm, but he suddenly seizes the initiative. He grabs me by the hips and, without leaving me, presses me against the toilet wall and begins to hammer his penis, each time trying to penetrate as deeply as possible, he rapes, I am just a hole for his satisfaction. The movements become sharper and now his sperm begins to splash into the very depths, into the very depths of my body. A few more movements and he calms down. It seems that I overexcited him, and our game turned out a little crumpled. But nothing. Tightly grasping me, he sits down on the toilet again, dragging me along with him.
And here I am, sitting on him, feeling how his cock gradually decreases in size inside. I let it shrink a little, so that it would be easier for my hole to release it. I rise up, and he slips out of me. My hole doesn't even try to shrink, it feels excited.I squat down in front of him and take his cock in my mouth, I know how it turns him on when after fucking my ass, I take it in my mouth. I lick the head, then immerse it entirely in my mouth, carefully lick the shaft and kiss his hole, as if inviting - if you want to pee, I'm yours, I'll take it.But now he doesn't want to. Here I feel how his sperm begins to flow out of me in a quiet stream. Then I take a buttplug out of my purse, insert it into my ass and put on panties. It's good that I took it, as I felt that he wouldn't last until the hotel, and although it's rather inconvenient to walk with it, at least I'm not afraid that I'll stain my panties and pants.Of course, walking with a plug is also very pleasant. The sperm oozes a little on the inside of my thighs, the air is filled with the smell of sperm, the smell of sex, my fucked hole exudes the aroma of lubricant and sperm, which excites me so much that we'll most likely have to make another stop before the hotel room.We pack our things and go to the hotel...
1 pirms mēneša
Whorny Sissy, 26
Pēdējā vizīte: 1 pirms dienas -
Sissy first DP <3
After finishing school, my parents gave me a trip to Turkey.I have a slender build, straight legs, a firm butt, and long hair if I let it down. A girl from behind, a boy from the front, no boobs, only nipples sticking out defiantly, a flat stomach, a waist...I already had experience of close communication with men, I loved to tease them and their attention turned me on. I especially liked being in the role of a girl, skirts, panties, high-heeled shoes, etc.They put me up in a room on the 2nd floor. I went to the dining room, and then decided to go to the beach. I put on a T-shirt and short sports shorts (I liked wearing them, sometimes people called me a girl from behind, and then some didn’t understand me from the front either :) and went to the beach. I didn’t tie a ponytail, but walked around with my hair down. I decided that I would definitely find a lover for the duration of my vacation. I swam and sunbathed, drank some beer, and the vacation began. After that I walked along the shore and found out that there was an abandoned beach on the other side of the hotel, but I still had to find it. I came back and met a photographer by the pool, an older man, tall and pumped up... I said hello as I passed, and he said, "Girl, pass by" and laughed. I walked past, deliberately wiggling my butt, and went to my room. I was already late for dinner. I washed up and decided to go for a walk around the grounds. I put on white shorts, a T-shirt, and white sneakers, and let my hair down. I went for a walk and ended up at a local disco. I sat there and watched the people, mostly older women and men. I thought that there was nothing to do there, but a man came up to me and started inviting me to dance. I said that I don't dance. He insisted. I went. He took me by the hand and waist and we started dancing. I think he didn't realize then that I wasn't that girl. But I didn't care. I danced, then we walked through the park, went to the sea and drank wine. Walking back past that photographer, I heard, "Girl with a gentleman?", I nodded and we went on. He walked me to the room, I hugged him and went to my room. I wanted to be fucked, but I kept my distance.
In the morning I went to look for a nudist beach. It was on the outskirts and far from the hotel. I swam and settled down to sunbathe. I went for another swim and when I was returning to the shore, I saw a naked man sitting on a rock near my things. I swam up and saw that older man who worked as a photographer at the hotel. He was looking at me and jerking off his dick. I got out of the water and lay down on the mat. He came over, stood above me and silently jerked off. He came on my face and chest. I rubbed it all and he left. In the evening I went to the disco. I just put on wide white trousers (from a distance, like a skirt) and a T-shirt, now I look even more like a girl. I was looking at people and yesterday's gentleman came up to me. He dragged me to dance again. We danced and he discreetly groped me, it excited me very much, but I told him that it was time for me to go to bed. He walked me out and groped my ass, I said that tomorrow we would go to the beach together. In the morning, I put on a bikini and waited for him.He knocked, I opened the door... I put on shorts and a T-shirt and took him to an abandoned beach. There I undressed and went swimming. He followed me. He groped me and kissed me in the water. I took off my swimsuit and this did not embarrass him. I said that in the evening we would meet at the disco and left. In the evening, I did minimal makeup, only lips and eyelashes, and powder... My new friend came later and suggested going for a walk. I agreed and we went outside the territory. We walked, sat on the beach, drank wine, he pulled down the strap and began to kiss my nipple, then my neck and lips. I melted, got up from the bench, took out his cock and ran my tongue over it. I sat with bare breasts and sucked the dick of an adult man. I asked if he wanted to fuck my mouth. He said he wanted to. I asked him to cum on me later. He started to fuck my mouth, he was embarrassed to do it, he kept asking how to do it. I said fuck and that's it, and sat down on his cock with my mouth. He fucked and moaned, cummed heavily on me, I smeared his cock all over my face and chest. And I said it was time to take the girl home. We went to the hotel, his sperm was drying on my chest and face. He walked me to my room and we agreed to meet tomorrow.
I lay down on the bed and the feeling of dissatisfaction did not leave me. I took some wine and went for a walk. I reached the beach, there was a photographer and another guy, I did not expect to see him, I passed by and casually said that I was going to look for a man. The guy paid attention to this and said that they could fuck such a girl. I did not answer and walked on. A few minutes later the photographer caught up with me and grabbed my hand. He took me to the staff toilet, I did not resist. He sat me down on the toilet and immediately gave it to me in the mouth, I began to suck, his dick stood up and I continued to swallow it. He put me in the doggy style, inserted his dick into my ass and began to fuck roughly, I wiggled my ass and moaned. He grabbed my hair and drove it into me to the full length. I squealed under him, either from pain or from pleasure. He spanked my ass hard and fucked me. He pulled out his dick, turned me around, took off the condom and shoved it down my throat, and immediately started cumming. He cummed all over my face and mouth. He silently picked me up and led me back. I walked with him bare-chested and with a dirty face, no one saw us at night. He took me around the corner and spanked me on the butt and told me to go home. I went, but stopped when I heard him start telling the second guy what a slut I was and how he just fucked me. The guy said he wanted to too... I went to the room, washed up and went to bed.There was a knock on the door...I opened the door and saw the photographer and the second guy, my heart started pounding, I was ready to pass out. I called them in with my eyes and closed the door. In this euphoria, I immediately started stroking the photographer's dick through his pants, I was looking at the second guy, and he was looking at me. Honestly, I don't remember how the photographer was able to get rid of his pants so quickly, but they disappeared literally while I was blinking. His dick moved in my hands, slowly swelling, but did not want to get up, apparently the first fuck in the toilet reduced sensitivity ... and I decided to speed up the process a little - I knelt down and grabbed his half-flaccid dick with my lips. Under my pressure, he gave in and began to stick out with all his might. Giving a gorgeous blowjob to the photographer, I completely forgot about the second one, and in the meantime he watched this scene with great pleasure and interest. With just one look I pulled him towards me, as if he was just waiting for this, when I gave him the opportunity to touch me, and he got it.
A moment later he was standing naked in front of me, his huge cock hanging menacingly in front of my face. It was bigger than the photographer's, noticeably bigger. I had only seen such cocks in porn. Teasingly, I touched it with just one finger, then grabbed it with my hand, how thick it was, and at the same moment slid my tongue along its entire length, from the very balls to the head. From the warm and wet touch, it immediately woke up, and instantly began to increase in size. The already large cock became simply enormous, it had all 22 cm, against 17 on the photographer. And at that moment I no longer controlled myself, I wanted to suck this delicious candy and did it with the zeal of a wild slut. It was a real animal blowjob, despite its size, it entered my throat up to the balls, I was suffocating, drooling like a river, but I continued to frantically move my head forward... back... forward and back, until I could no longer be without oxygen, with a loud smacking sound I released his huge member from my arms.The man held his dick, it was completely wet, and the drool flowing from it dripped onto the floor. I wanted to feel it inside my "pussy", to feel what it was like when a cock of such a size enters you.The photographer, all this time, was watching us with satisfaction and jerking off while sitting in a comfortable chair.We moved to the bed, it was a real bed of lust and debauchery, I immediately arched into a doggy style, and it seemed to me that I did it even somehow instinctively. Second man pressed his tongue to my hole, I was simply in seventh heaven with pleasure. His wet tongue moved around my hole, slid in and out, and all this for what seemed to me like an eternity...The photographer, whose presence I had gradually begun to forget while in a trance of ecstasy, quietly rose from his comfortable chair and came up to us and, taking me by the hair, made me work his cock with my mouth.The man began to massage my ass, lubricated the hole and lubricated his cock. I was in anticipation...He began to move his cock along my ass, between my buttocks, touched every erogenous point with the head of his huge cock. And at that time my mouth was occupied with the photographer's cock, he moaned contentedly from what I was doing to him.Usually, to enter me, you need to work my "pussy" a little, but not this time, it was as if it was already ready, asking, even begging, all the muscles were relaxed and he entered, I immediately felt how hot he was, a pleasant feeling of fullness appeared inside my ass, and my prostate responded with sweet gratitude. It was an unreal thrill! There was only one thought in my head - two men were fucking me at the same time, wow. Everything was spinning in my eyes, the outlines of the hotel room where everything was happening disappeared for a second, then reappeared again.I didn’t even imagine that feeling like a dirty whore would be so pleasant!
Through my mouth, occupied by a cock, I moaned from the movements of another cock in my ass, and these sounds were more like mooing. I was standing on all fours, legs wide apart, and pleasing two males at once. The man's thick cock was sweetly squelching in my ass from the abundance of lubricant, and his big balls were hitting mine, hanging lifelessly between my legs. Meanwhile, the photographer was fucking me in the mouth with particular persistence, grabbing me by the hair, and I was easily taking his cock the entire length, and even managed to touch his testicles with my tongue. It was very hot in the room, we were all wet with sweat, and after changing several positions during an hour of continuous sex, I finally felt that the man was almost close to the finish line, and I madly wanted him to cum inside me. And so it happened... and in a moment a whole liter of hot sperm burst into me, I felt how it filled everything inside, he pulled out his dick, and the rest of the liquid poured out of my gaping hole, suddenly it became so empty, but not for long, because at that very moment the photographer entered me, and by his fractions, I realized that he was also close to the end... fucking me in the lubricant, the sperm of the second, we finished together... If you knew what an orgasm from prostate stimulation is, it is simply something incredible, that is exactly what I experienced then, finishing together with the photographer.We lay silently on the bed for another 15 minutes, all in lubricant, sperm and sweat. And I was the happiest Sissy at that moment. But I had to interrupt this idyll, as the desire to wash everything off myself as soon as possible began to grow. I saw my males off and immediately fell asleep after the shower.The next day we talked for about an hour over a cup of some delicious Chinese tea, exchanged contacts, and promised to meet again...
1 pirms mēneša
Whorny Sissy, 26
Pēdējā vizīte: 1 pirms dienas -
Beginning of Sissy life <3
My story of becoming a Sissy begins at a very young age. I ended up in the hospital and they gave me an enema before the operation, God, how I liked it, these sensations in my ass, goosebumps ran through my body and my "clitty" stood up. After these events, I gave myself enemas at home and fucked my ass with my fingers, such games continued for about a year and grew into a passion for dressing up as a woman, putting on lipstick, walking around the apartment in underwear... And the further I went, the more it got me hooked, the more I wanted to be in a female image. Then came fantasies and a need to be in a female role, play with a dildo, wear a plug. Stimulate my ass, putting it to work. So some more time passed... I am 1X years old and I have a thin figure, short stature, long legs, a round ass and long blond hair... My parents are not at home, I give myself an enema, put on my mother's underwear, stimulate my ass and feel incredible excitement. I felt like a real slut, I go to a dating site and decide to respond to an ad "Who wants to suck my cock?". His name was Arnis, in the correspondence it turned out that he was not against me wearing women's clothes. I collected a couple of my mother's things and went to the specified address. Arnis met me at the entrance and we silently went up to him. He was 45 years old, but he looked 5 years younger, only wrinkles gave away his age. A head taller than me, with a toned physique. When we entered the apartment, he offered me tea or coffee and behaved a little shyly, as if he had brought home a young girl. I offered to drink later and asked to go to the bathroom to change. I took with me only a short purple nightgown with flowers and pink panties made of thin material. When I got dressed, I twirled in front of the mirror for another 5 minutes. The nightgown covered only half my butt and the panties hugged it so tightly that it seemed even rounder. I couldn't wait to appear like this in front of a man and I left the bathroom and headed to the bedroom. Arnis was sitting on the edge of the bed and looked at me when I responded standing in the doorway.
- How do you like me?He silently looked at me and smiled.I started to approach him on tiptoes like a cat. He was still silent, but his smile turned me on. I started to wriggle and stroke my thighs while standing in front of him. Turning my butt, I slightly lifted my nightgown.- Do you like my butt?- It's lovely, you look like a girl from behind.- Then treat me like a girl.Before I could say anything, I felt a hand on my butt. My legs shook from surprise, it was very pleasant. He began to boldly knead my butt, and then turned me around to face him. Pressing my butt to himself with one hand, he began to massage my protruding nipples through my nightgown with the other.- If I'm a girl, what will you call me?- What do you like?- I don't know. Whatever you call me, that's how it will be.- Then you'll be Alice.I was wildly turned on by the fact that I was standing in my mother's things in front of a man, and he was pawing at me and calling me girlishly. Having seated me next to him, his hands began to lift my nightgown and stroke the body underneath. Pressing me closer, I realized that he wanted to kiss me and I suddenly pounced on his with my lips. It was so tender and I began to feel even more like a girl. Arnis continued to touch me everywhere, and I purred through the kiss from his touch. Having stopped kissing me, he took my lower lip and massaged it with his finger.- Make me feel good.Arnis lay down and, having settled comfortably, looked at his groin. He was wearing only underwear and I was embarrassed that his penis was not yet erect. I lay down more comfortably at his feet and began to pull down his underwear. His penis was circumcised and completely in a lying position. Without even taking it in my hands, I immediately swallowed it with my mouth, and began to stroke his stomach with my hands. At first it was so soft and small, then I started sucking the head with my lips. I was so carried away by it that I looked only at it. When it started to grow in my mouth, Arnis started to stroke me near the ear. Looking up, I saw a satisfied man and began to fidget on the penis with my mouth more actively. When it stood up, it turned out to be of a good size, 18 centimeters, although not very wide. I pulled it out and began to move it over my lips.- Can I call you daddy?- Of course, Alice.- My mouth is now yours. Daddy, if you think it doesn't work well, then show me how it should be.Arnis pressed on the back of my head with a grin and I fell silent again and began to suck diligently. I had dreamed about this for so long that I could not be pulled away from this pleasure. I wanted him to put my head on even more, but Arnis began to stroke my shoulder through the lace on my nightgown. I still wanted more.- Daddy, please get up, I want to play with it while sitting on my knees.He stood next to the bed and I crawled up to him. Now I liked that I was below with a dick in my mouth watching my daddy get pleasure. As before, he only watched as I worked on his dick and became more and more submissive, that's exactly what I wanted. Caressing his balls, I rubbed my nose against his dick.- Daddy, doesn't my mouth deserve to be fucked? Please fuck Alice like a real slut.- Girl, it turns out you're a dirty slut. Daddy loves those.Taking the dick in one hand and holding his head with the other, Arnis began to insert the dick completely and immediately pull it out. Run it over the lips and then sharply drive it in again.- Slut, what do you want?Before I had time to stretch my tongue, he shook his hips after the question, but did not push it in completely. Slapping my cheek, he began to move his cock under it. And I stood submissively holding his legs, his gaze was no longer so gentle, smiling greedily from above, he showed me who the daddy was here. When he increased the pace of fucking, I didn’t even notice how warm it was in my throat. He raised his head to the ceiling, and held me completely impaled with my mouth on his cock, twitching from orgasm. Then he slowly pulled out, continuing to stand in front of my face.- Daddy, thank you.And as a token of gratitude, I began to clean his limp cock, smacking my lips and smiling.- I want you to fuck me in the ass.- Little slut. Does your ass itch?It turned me on so much and I got on all fours on the bed.- Daddy, please.- The hole is just asking to be. Okay, let's see.He pulled my panties off with both hands. Driving and pressing his thumb on the wet hole so that I arched even more.- Do you train your ass?- Just a finger.- You don't know what you want yet, but everything is ahead.Taking both hands by the thighs, he dug into my face, tickling there with his tongue.- Mmm, daddy, yessss!I stood on all fours and started to jerk off my pussy while Arnis licked my hole properly. Having lubricated it well with saliva, he began to penetrate with his finger. As soon as I felt the slow penetration, I began to impale myself. Arnis silently looked at me and held his index finger forward while I tried to impale myself faster. I didn't last long and I began to cum in my hand, so as not to stain the bed, but drops still flowed through my palm.- Your ass will still have time to jump on the dick.I fell on my side, holding my cock with sperm. Arnis brought his finger from my ass to my face and I began to suck it. Then she brought her palm up, but after licking it, half of the sperm remained on her lips. Having smeared his finger a little on my lips, daddy pressed himself against me and passionately began to kiss my mouth that he had fucked.To be continued...
1 pirms mēneša
Whorny Sissy, 26
Pēdējā vizīte: 1 pirms dienas -
Geju atpazīšanas zīmes
Sveiki. Vai jums ir zināmas geju un biseksuālu atpazīšanas zīmes? Piemēram ar prāmi bieži dodos uz ārzemēm.. uz Zviedriju Vāciju. Esmu dzirdējis ka geji itkā atstāj kajītes durvis vaļā ieliekot pa starpu dvieli... nekad neesmu mainījis. Bet šad tad gribas kādu piedzīvojumu, citādi garlaicīgi jau paliek.. varbūt kāds zina tos trikus..?
2 pirms mēnešiem
Pēdējā vizīte: 2 pirms nedēļām
SOHO 4. daļa
Preti man nāca neliela auguma vīrietis ar noaugušu bardu, tumšās pavasarīgās drēbēs. Es piegāju pie viņa lai pisķiltu cigareti bet nespēju bilst ne vārda, izvilksi cigareti es žestikuleju ka velos to pieškilt. Vīrietis ar spēcīgu britu akcentu kaut ko murmuleja un man piešķīla cigareti. Es paliku stāvam turpat uz ielas smēķējot. Es jutu ka katras cigaretes dūms man gāž vai gar zemi, galva sareba un es jutu ka nespēju vairs noturēties uz smailā papēža, centos sasniegt ēkas sienu, bet nokritu turpat uz trotuāra pamežģijot kāju un saplēšot žeķi ceļgalā. Virietis kas man pirms mirkļa bija iedeva piesmēķēt bija attālu, bet dzirdēju ka vins pieskrēja un palīdzēja man piecelties.. Es turpināju nebillst ne vārda… Sapratu ka viņš man murmulējot, piedāvā aizvest mani līdz mājām. Mans skurbums bija tik liels ka nespēju paiet. Nebildis ne vārda bet žestikulējot nokļuvām līdz mana apartamenta durvim, nospiedis kodu es atveru durvis…
3 pirms mēnešiem
Kolibri, 44
Pēdējā vizīte: 3 pirms dienām -
SOHO 3. daļa
Viņa, bija sapucējusies tā, ka pat ar grūtībām bija arškirama no vīrieša, vienīgais kas viņu nodeva bija zemā tembra balss. Viņa, paņema no bāra letes mikrafonu un uzkāpa uz improvizētu paaugstinājumu, tā lai mēs visi telpa stāvošie varētu pilnībā viņu saskatīt. Flitera kleta zibinājās gaismās un lielajās skropstas midžinās pa mirdzumiņam. Viņai bija lieliska figūra, vismaz man tā šķita. Klātesošie uzņēma viņas iznācienu ar ovācijām.Lady pagriezas lai pieliektos zemu un nospiestu datora taustiņu karokes pavadījumam. Protams Londonā šajā laikā ir silts un mežģīņu zekes tikai es varēju iedomāties paņemt koferi :), šai dāmai tādas nebija…Lady nodziedāja kādas piecas- sešas dziesmas un publika dziedāja līdzi. Tad viņa noklāpa no skatuves un kaut kā organiski viņa tika lutināta publikā ar patīkamām emocijām. Pa to laiku, zāle bija sanākusi pilna, maniju vēl kādu CD bet vīrišķā frizūra un lateksa tērps nepiesaistīja manu uzmanību. Malkojot kārtējo pinti un pasīvi komunicējot ar apkārtējiem. Jutu ka man arī to vajag, mani iezagās trīsas, ka es arī tā gribētu justies šovakar. Izgāju uz ielas un steidzos uz majam kā sadedzis. Skurbums un ideja ka pārtapšu par viņu mani uzbudinaja.Protams skurbumā liekās ka velos visu izdarīt ātri, tāpēc ātri noskuvos, uzliku krēmu, tad BB krēmu, tad nedaudz pūdera, iekrasoju uzacis ar brūno zīmulīti un neuzliekot skropstas, tas uzfrišināju ar skropstu tušu. Saģērbos jo biju nodomājusi vismaz iziet kvartālu publiskā telpā…iziet kā sievietei, nakts melnumā.Uzvilku sarkano kleitu un uzkrāsoju sarkanas lupas, bet pag, ..pie spoguļa izskatījos satriecoša bet reize arī izaicinoša. Manas blondas matu cirtas lika man justies kā dīvai.Apartamentos bija melns pleds, es to uzliku sev uz savas blondās parūkas un tas nosedza manus plecus. O jā! Tagad es izskatījis nedaudz piezemētāka nakts melnumam, dzelteni izgaismotas ielas. Kāpnes uz ielu no apartamentiem bija tik stāvas ka man vajadzēja novilkt savas augspapēžu kurpes, ar mežģīņu zeķem kājas es nokāpu lejā..es biju uz ielas… pilsētas kņadu varēja dzirdēt no sānielām bet uz manas ielas neviena nebija. Lai nenodotu sevi es tipināju maziem solīšiem tā, lai kājas ir cieši kopā un justu kā mēģinu maliņas berzejas viena gar otru.Es biju lieliskā noskaņojumā un savienojums ka esmu pirmo reizi publiski iznākusi uz ielas, man iedeva tādu WAUUBiju domājusi netraucēti apiet kvartālu un doties mājas. Skurbums lai arī patīkams lika tomēr manīt. Es biju paņēmusi cigaretes bet sasodīts…biju aizmirsu šķiltavas mājas. Kur lai tagad piešķiļu cigareti…
3 pirms mēnešiem
Kolibri, 44
Pēdējā vizīte: 3 pirms dienām -
SOHO 2. daļa
Nākošais rīts nāca ar patīkamu ņirboņu: zeķēs ievītās kājas, parīvējusi vienu pret otru un pret vakardienas uzdzīvotājiem palagiem, piecēlos jau gašajā rīta kleitā. Izvilku pa gridu izmētātas kurpītes, aiztentereju augspapēžos līdz virtuvei kur piespiedu kapsulnieku rīta kafijai. Visi mani sarkanie nadziņi vēl bija palikuši vietā. Padzerusi kafiju, ar sakrustotām kājām, viena pie brokastu galda, sapratu tomēr cik kaifigi es tagad jūtos. Jo nākot āra no dušas es vairs nebūšu tā piemīgā seksīgā milfa.Partapusi, es devos uz pirmo metro lai dotos iz izstāžu zāli. Rutīna, saviesīgas sarunas un darbs. Protams visas daiļas būtnes šajā izstādē ir uzcirtušas tuvu Ninas Harlijas stiliņam. Dienu beidzu agrāk un kā vakar, mans ceļš veda garām klubam Village, šoreiz kārtīgi nopētīju skatlogu bet iekšpusē rosījās tikai buduga izskata vīrieši. Man pretī izslēdzas viens no viņiem un laipni apvaicājas par manu interesi. Piedāvāja man iegriezties pie viņiem vakarpusē.Par cik, nekad agrāk nebiju bijis uz geju klubu, interese man noteikti nemazinājās ar katru pielikto soli ceļā uz apartamentiem, tieši otrādi. Hmm.. bet kāpēc lai vīriešu klubā būtu dāmas, blondiem matiem, to ko vakar skaidri redzēju…Soreiz es vakara nesapucējos, jo ar pieaugušo intetesi gribēju apmeklēt klubu, baidījos uzvilkt pat savas sarkanas mežģīņu biksītes zem džinsiem. Sagaidījis pirmo atvēršanas stundu es bikli ar trīsošu sirdi devos uz Village bāru, Soho rajonā. Bars bija tikai daļēji pilns ar vīriešiem kuri skaļi runāja viens ar otru. Mani neviens īpasi neinteresēja.Es pasūtījis pinti Guiness un nolīdu stūrī lai vērotu apkārtējos un gaisotni.Te pēkšņi, no citas savienojošas bāra telpas iznāca, tā pati blondīne, ko redzēju vakardien caur skatlogu, tērpusies mirdzoša flitera kleita ar patīkamu smaidu un full makeup, es paliku mēms… kā tā var, tā var tik brīvi? Tik nepiespiesti iznākt publiskā telpa un justies sievišķīgi??? Es vai apskaudu viņu pirmajā sekundē....
3 pirms mēnešiem
Kolibri, 44
Pēdējā vizīte: 3 pirms dienām -
Man bija jādodas komandējuma uz Londonu, šoreiz zināju ka došos viens un manā rīcība ir trīs dienas. Zinot to, ka būšu viena- na, es līdzi sapakoju savu čemodānu ar glamurugajām drēbītēm ko ikdienā slēpju no sievas, ceļojuma koferī. Parcik sieva pārāk neaizraujas ar ceļošanu, varu diezgan droši savu slēpto dzīves daļu glabāt uz skapja augšas aizslēgtu.Koferis, ir mans buduārs, pilns ar visu kas man liek justies glamurigai, ar drēbītēm, papedīšiem, zeķītēm, parūku, nadziņiem, meikapa komplektiem un šādiem- tādiem nieciņiem.Par koferi piemaksāju Ryanair un to nodevu kā bagāžu. Nedaudz gan es uztraucos lidojuma laikā, bet šķiet ka satraukums vairāk man radās no tā, ka zinu, ka turpmākās trīs dienas mani neviens netraucēs un katru vakaru un rītu es varēšu neviena netraucēta pamosties sievišķajās drēbītes. Uhhh.. tā manī tas radīja vibrējošu saviļņojumu visu lidojuma laiku. Kā tāda nepacietīga Tinder jauniete kura dodas pie sava ārzemju drauga randiņā.Nolaidamies Londonā un mani pārņēma gandarījuma sajūta kad ieraudzīju savu koferīti uz slīdošās lentes.Par cik izstāde, uz kuru man bija jābūt atradās Londonas centra, priekšlaicīgi izvelejos apartamentus SOHO Londonas daļā ar nelielu balkoniņu. Es ikdienā nesmēķēju bet kad esmu saposusies, tā ir kā “part of a game”, izsmēķēju dāmu cigaretes ar saviem Ferrari sarkanajiem, pieliktajiem nadziņiem. Mmm…man pašai patīk.Iečekojies apartamentos un devos uz izstādi. Bija jau vēls, kad iekāpu sabiedriskajā lai dotos uz apartamentiem bet izsalkums lika par sevi manīt. Atradis piemērotu vietu vakariņām nodomāju par savu ilgi gaidīto vakara ballīti. Ejot mājas uz saviem apartamentiem, “uzduros” uz geju bāru Village, caur logu stikliem redzēju rosamies blondīni īsos svārciņos. Īpaši neizkavējies, bet pie sevis nodomājis, hmm…devos tālāk, pa ceļam iegāju veikalā lai nopiktu Itāļu baltvīnu.Mana ballite varēja sākties!!!! Pielaidu pilnu vannu ar ūdeni un iegrimu tājā ar glāzi baltvīna. Sevī sajutu saviļņojumu par drīzo pucēšanas prieku. Parasti sakopju sevi lai viss ir gluds un patīkams kā arī ar dušas klausuli uztaisu sev klizmiņu.Dodos pie spoguļa lai savas kājiņas ietērptu zeķes. Melnas zeķes 15den ar platu mežģīņu maliņu. Uzvelku melnu bodiju ar mazam sarkanam rozītēm, ielieku krūtis un piesprādzēju zeķītes. Manas sarkanas augstpapēžu kurpītes izskatās dievīgi uz manam sportiski sievišķīgajām kājām.Piesedos ar krēslu pie spoguļa un iesmērējusi seju ar krēmu, baudu to mikli kad varu pucēties, liekot meikapu, skropstiņas un tonīšus. Tas man parasti paņem stundu, pusotru. Pirms visu šo iegādājos stundām vēroju meikapa uzklāšanas iespējas YouTube rullīšos.Baudu vīnu un strādāju pie procesa… visu nobeidzu ar savu blondi krāsoto, matu cirtu parūku kas sniedzas līdz pat elkonim. Uzvelku savu sarkano kleitu, es izskatos vienkārši satriecoša spoguļa piekšā.mmmm… kodīgas sarkanas lūpas piedod man neķītrumu.Kā allaž, ar sarkanajiem nadziņiem ievadu sevi vibro- olu, ko spēju ar pulti kontrolēt otrajā režīmā. Esmu tik kņudīga, atveru balona durvis un izeju uz tā. Sakrustojusi kajinas šūpojot papedišus uz krēsla es aizšķiļu pimo tievo L&M cigareti. Kaifs ir vienreizējs.Mājas pretējie logi ir tumši, laikam tā ir kāda biroja ēka, līdz ar to netraucēti varu baudīt vakaru ar sevi.…..manas turpmākas dienas SOHO rajonā un kas ir šī dāma, klubā Village, lasi turpinājumā.
3 pirms mēnešiem
Kolibri, 44
Pēdējā vizīte: 3 pirms dienām -
Kļuvu par "sievieti"
Neliels priekšvārds - ikdienā esmu "kārtīgs", precējies latviešu vīrietis. Doma par jebkādu kontaktu ar vīrieti liekas pat pretīga, taču, reizi pāris gados uznāk pašam neizskaidrojama vēlme kļūt par "sievieti". Šis stāsts tad nu būs par vienu no tādām reizēm.
Biju palicis mājās viens uz dažām dienām un ieraugot mājās esošo erotiskās veļiņas kolekciju, tā vien gribējās to pielaikot un ļauties fantāzijai. Soli pa solim līdz uzbudinājums kļuva tik liels, ka ieliku šajā portālā sludinājumu, kas skanēja aptuveni šādi: "Jauns, simpātisks, sexīgā veļiņā atdosies vecākam kungam tavā mašīnā". Neko daudz necerot, taču fantazējot, iegāju dušā un sakopos. Vēstules sakrita kaudzēm, taču viena atbilde uzrunāja: "XX gadus vecs, labprāt paņemšu tevi mauciņ kā vien vēlēsies, varu kaut tagad". Esmu radis, ka šādām atbildēm rezultāts parasti neseko, taču šoreiz, pēc dažu ziņu apmaiņas saņēmu ziņu, ka mans drazējs pēc 20min būs klāt. Kājas sāka trīcēt, pārņēma uztraukums, taču uzbudinājums ņēma virsroku. Uzvilku melnas, mežģīņu biksītes, garās zeķes ar zeķturiem, melnu bītleni un pa virsu treniņbikses. Kabatā sagatavoju prezervatīvu paciņu un lubrikantu. Savā galvā jau biju izdomājis scenāriju, taču īpaši daudz nedomājot, devos uz norādītu vietu un gaidīju.
Pēc neilga brītiņa piestāja paliels apvidus auto un sapratu, ka būs īstais. Iesēdos mašīnā, sasveicinājāmies un izstāstīju par kādu klusu vietiņu mežà, kur varam doties, aptuveni 10 minūšu attālumā.
Tajā mirklī sajutos kā īsta palaistuve - mani ved uz mežu, lai izdrāztu. Neizturēju, jau pirmajās minūtēs braucot novilku treniņbikses un paliku vien super seksīgajā veļiņā. Manam kungam šis skats ļoti patika, viņš uzlika roku man uz kreisās kājas un sāka glāstīt. Vienīgais, ko spēju pateikt bija "es vairs nevaru sagaidīt", ar labo roku sāku masēt savu dupsīti un ar kreiso atbrīvoju kunga loceki no biksēm. Sāku to lēnām masēt.. kungam bija ļoti labs loceklis, ne par lielu, ne par mazu. Pagājušas vien dažas minūtes, taču sapratu, ka vēlos to paņemt mutē te un tagad. Atsprādzējos, izvilku no kabatas sagatavoto prezervatīvu, ar veiklu rokas kustību uzvilku kungam, nometos četrāpus uz pasažieru beņķa un bez mīkstināšanās paņēmu to mutē. Jutos tik seksīgi. Kungs ar vienu roku stūrējot, ar otru roku jau bija atradis manu dupsīti.. no sākuma lēnām masēja, minūti vēlāk jau burtiski drāza ar pirkstu. Ik pa brīdim tik izspļaujot - sūkā mauciņ, atsūkā kamēr braucam..
Vēl dažas minūtes un bijām sasnieguši galamērķi. Izņēmu viņa locekli no savas mutes, ieskatījos acīs un teicu: "izpiss mani, es vairs nevaru nociesties". Kungs pieleca kājās, apgāja auto otrā pusē un atvēra manas durvis. Bez liekām sarunām izņēma manas kājas ārpus auto. Pielika sava cietā daikta galu pie mana caurumiņa.. "tūlīt es tevi izdrazīšu tā, ka ilgi nevarēsi paiet.." sekojot šiem vārdiem, viņš ienāca manī! Tāda bauda! Uzlika abas rokas uz mana dibena un burtiski drāza. Pēc dažām minūtēm intensīva "pisiena" citādāk to nenosaukt, viņš paņēma mani aiz rokas un apguldīja uz muguras uz auto motora pārsega. Pacēla manas kājas, iegāja manī un viss varēja turpināties. Sajutu kā viņa gals perfekti trāpa pa prostatu un jutu, ka kulminācija būs drīz. Viņš iegrābās man gurnos, un teica "tūlīt tu kļūsi par īstu sievieti", temps kļuva ātrāks līdz jūtu, ka viņš tūlīt beigs. Sasprindzināju savu dupsīti, vēl pāris sitieni, spēcīgi līdz galam un viņš beidza.. to jūtot, arī es sasniedzu kārtīgu prostatas orgasmu, vienkārši tecēju baudā...
Pēc tam jau ātri sakopāmies, neveikls brauciens līdz mājām un kopš tās reizes, vairs neesam tikušies. Jorpojām gan manās atmiņās, labākais sex, kāds jebkad bijis.
Vēlies ko līdzīgu? Atraksti.. :)
10 pirms mēnešiem
Pēdējā vizīte: 9 pirms mēnešiem