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Tantric Yoni Healing Process

Tantric Yoni Healing Process

A session of tantric yoni massage usually starts with a full body massage, then it zooms into the pelvic area and sexual organs. We set a clear intention, consciously invite and allow the healing, doing nothing but surrendering to the process without fixed goals.

We are reactivating the parasympathetic nervous system to regain its rightful place in our body. When we are attuned to the body and relaxed, healing becomes possible. And healing will happen the way we are most ready for.

The key is "listening" deeply. This "listening" is not with our ears, but with something more subtle. It is listening with the heart, with full awareness, presence, patience, respect, love, and care. When we truly listen, the body "speaks.” This "speaking" can take many forms. For example, blocked energies in the body may find their way out of our system as physical responses, such as pain, tremors, convulsions, and heat; or through an energetic charge, like a buzz or a kick; or through emotional expressions such as crying or screaming; or images or fragments of memories bubbling up from the subconscious level, etc. Everybody is different.

After the stagnant energies have left our body, our body becomes lighter, more open and soft. It is as if the armor melts. Orgasmic energy may surge through your whole body, permeating different layers and melting you from the inside out, awakening a very tangible state of embodied bliss.

Benefits of Tantric Yoni Massage

The benefits of the tantric yoni massage I have experienced or witnessed are varied from person to person and from moment to moment. For example:

  • Releasing stagnant emotional and energetic blockages stored in the body, especially in the pelvic area, due to past trauma, abuse, or stress.

  • Reducing the pain and suffering caused by fertility, menstrual. and gynecological pathologies rooted in psychological and energetic imbalances.

  • Finding new levels of acceptance, confidence and trust in your body and yourself.

  • Understanding what you want and need, or what you do not want or need, and having the ability to express it.

  • Softening into a new depth, and openness and receptivity to pleasure and bliss.

  • Discovering new realms and levels of pleasure and orgasms.

  • Allowing the flow of energy and being in the power of the sacred feminine.

  • Recovering or heightening sensitivity and sensuality.

  • Igniting a new level of aliveness, joyfulness, and creativity.

  • Discovering new layers and aspects of femininity and spirituality.

Tantric yoni massage is one of the most effective ways to embrace our inherent power of being women and being human. And this power is none other than love—falling in love with ourselves truly and deeply. When our own cups are full, we love others more fully and deeply too, and our relationships with our lover(s), family, and friends will improve.

Tantric yoni massage helps us to free ourselves from the limitations imposed on us due to past traumas. It helps us to embrace our power. Healing ourselves is our own responsibility. It is about taking matters into our own hands.

