Mekl膿jam pašu jauk膩ko p膩ri vai sievieti :) Ir mums neliela pieredze. Neinteres膿 tikties uz 膩tro un aklie randi艈i ne tik, bet mums ir svar墨gas re膩li cilv膿ciskas un draudz墨gas attiec墨bas, kur膩s varam br墨vi run膩t par sav膩m saj奴t膩m un v膿lm膿m un, protams, nodoties ar墨 kaislei.

, 38/38 y.o.
Riga, Latvia
Last visit: 2 weeks ago
About myself
- Orientation hetero
- Relationship status married
- Body Type sporty
- Weight , kg 78
- Height, cm 182
- Partner orientation bi, uni
- Partner weight, kg 64
- Partner height, cm 169
- Languages latvian, english
Meet with
Dating purpose
Love in sex
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- Member since 06.01.22
- Profile visits 9594
- Public/private photos 1/0
- Public/private videos 0/0
- Content rating 0